Same as many other modular manufacturers, we are facing challenging times at tangible waves. Things have been tough for a while (especially since the beginning of the Ukraine war), with a significant drop in selling modules, systems, accessories. Not that nice news, I know, but I want to be totally honest here, as always. You can be sure that I'm still doing my work with the same passion and love I had in the beginning, nevertheless, AE modular barely covers the very basics of my life - keep in mind that I'm dedicating my time fully to AE, otherwise, we wouldn't see a palette of far over 100 modules after 8 years, all this with an also challenging health situation since some years (a chronic fatigue syndrome, as it has turned out). However what still makes me happy is the wonderful community that has been established around the AE modular ecosystem (special thanks to Carsten for his incredible work!). For me, this is more important and satisfying than "selling more" and "earning more money". Nevertheless, I have to pay my bills, so I really hope that this wonderful community helps to keep AE modular alive and growing for the next few years. Sometimes, I hear the advice "you should increase your prices, you can sell your stuff more expensive" - ok, maybe I could do this, maybe it would bring me a higher income, but it would exclude more people who are eager to use modular synthesis, and this is something I want to avoid. I always considered AE modular as something for everybody, and I want to keep this up as much as possible. I also want to improve the customer experience and over the last few weeks I took the time to reflect on our internal processes of production and shipping. This has led to some optimizations that we have implemented at the beginning of the year. And it works well! Our annoyingly long backorders list and awfully long waiting times have shortened already and the majority of open orders is from after the middle of December, meaning the frequent three month waiting time has reduced to around 6 weeks. And it will get better! I'm hoping for your support in 2025 with the mentioned points in mind - let's make AE modular great and greater TOGETHER! New ProductsLast year the big theme was the new IMDI protocol which is a way to send MIDI signals to the AE modular and even between modules. This protocol is already in use by at least a dozen modules between Wonkystuff and tangible waves. This year we will continue this new direction and most if not all new modules, where it makes sense, will have IMDI incorporated in some way. SEQ8 r2 Not yet available, but this will be an updated version of our 8 step sequencer module. It now includes the following IMDI functionality:
This new version will replace the original one very soon and will be sold at the same price! More bang for your buck! FMOS R2 The FMOS module has been absent for a long time because I was not fully happy about some aspects and I had an updated version in mind for a while. So now there is a new version with a new processor chip and a complete new design. This version has some more features than the old one, with general improvements of the circuitry and of course is also fully integrated with IMDI! The features of the FMOS R2 are:
All this with some 8-bit grit ;-) You see, a really powerful module; I’m really happy about it! Available in the shop and in stock. White Faceplates In the photo above you can see that I've been experimenting with a new colour for our faceplates. The reason is that I decided to phase out the old grey faceplates, but some people don't want their rack to be all in black. So the white faceplate might be a good alternative and will be available upon request. VCO R2 A new version of one of the earliest modules in the AE Modular system. This new VCO will have much better V/octave tracking and proper temperature stability; otherwise, it’s a classic, fully-analog VCO - basically the core of basically any synth! The previous version comes from the early Kickstarter days of AE modular; back then, real 1V/octave oscillators weren’t intended, at least not in this very first phase. But the backers had urged me to add one, so the original VCO was developed a bit in a hurry and, honestly, with less experience than I have now, therefore it doesn't really match with the overall level of AE anymore. So I’m happy to have an adequate successor for this legacy module! POWER R2 Another module that has been revised “silently” a short while ago is the POWER module, which is shipped now in its R2 incarnation. Compared to its predecessor, it now offers four in/out lines, with two of them as stereo headphone output (the previous one was mono). This was requested a few times, and here it is! You can find it in the shop here. Third Party ProductsNew Modules from Wonkystuff These new modules are already available in the Wonkystuff shop, however John advises that delivery may be a bit slower this month as he's undergoing hand surgery. We wish him all the best and a speedy recovery! mmo This is a version of the open source hardware MiniMO as found on This is basically a freely programmable module and if you have a bunch of them you can turn them into oscillators, filters, envelopes … all from the same hardware, but just load different firmware onto them. Especially in the micro format this is really neat as you can now easily make one mmo a filter! You can find the various programs here: If you wonder how to get the firmware onto this little module then John has provided you with a very helpful guide on how to use an ICSP programmer: The really cool thing about this is, that this module is completely open source and if you wanted to, you could build it yourself with the information given on the Wonkystuff website. However, why would you? John does a great job doing this work for you ;-) This module is now available on the Wonkystuff shop: uBaseLite This is a base module for hosting 3 micro modules and does about the same job as the one from tangible waves except that it doesn't have the DIP switches which can be used to turn on or off certain signals coming from the bus. This module is now available on the Wonkystuff shop: Faux Cyrillic - Resistance is Futile A stereo panning mixer for AE Modular. Heavily based on the eurorack projects Nearness and Mixor Image. This module provides an easy way to generate a wide stereo image from your modular sounds. Audio is patched into the horizonal connector in the middle of the module, and is panned in the stereo field according to its position from left to right. There are three positions of increasing bias in each direction, and two centre inputs, one of which has a high-pass filter applied. The mixed audio is available as left and right outputs in both AE cable format and through 3.5mm Thonkiconn jacks if you wish to use the module as an end of chain output. The left 3.5mm jack can be used as a stereo output if a TRS cable is inserted with nothing connected to the right output. You can purchase one of limited stock at the faux cyrillic Tindie shop. Music from the CommunityNews and Music from the CommunityThe year has started with some awesome new music from the community. Please note that this blog only features posts from the forum, however there is a very lively discussion over on the Discord server and there may be some tracks which have only been posted there. Also some posts on the Facebook group are awesome, but are hard to link to from outside of Facebook, so please also check them out instead of doom scrolling. @running was on a roll this month! First track "loops" is a great track to start the year and the visuals are really cool, too: Then "a kind of stillness" takes us on a dreamy journey through synth ambient goodness. And finally Noise is an experimental track with some really cool sounds from physical modeling synths. @alesczx is showing off his ambient chops with the Rains module. Put your headphones on and play this on endless repeat to leave the world behind. @pol has now mastered the art of triggering the AE from his MPC One. It's a neat track with a lot going on and definitely worth the very reasonable asking price! Check it out on Bandcamp: In this astronomically inspired piece by professore @saltatempo we are hearing the pure sound of AE in two layers, beautifully sequenced and proficiently randomised by Sloths. And @RSKT is back with these glitchy patches on Youtube Shorts (unfortunately this website platform can't embed and display shorts): DIYIn this section members of the forum are exchanging ideas about circuits and how to make your own modules, cases or anything to do with synths. This thread is about how to go about turning a breadboard circuit into an AE Module on the example of Morit Klein's analog kick drum circuit. You can read about it here: Need an idea to start your DIY journey, here's a discussion about a few easy projects: And this older thread about the simplest envelope generator has got new life when some people want to make it more complicated! While there is a wealth of DIY info on the Forum as well as on the Wiki, please also check out the Discord server where there is also a dedicated channel to this topic. Especially if you're stuck you can get help quickly in the chat. Programming GRAINSThis sub forum has been taken over by the indefatigable @feijal who has by now made more firmwares for GRAINS than any other human on our planet! This month's releases are:
Check out all the other firmwares as well: Meetings and EventsThere are so many digital channels where our community can come together and share information, inspire and help each other or just hang out with friends. However meeting face to face, even when on Zoom is special and helps to get a bit closer, just as you would when meeting in a pub or cafe to hang out.
Our monthly Zoom meetings will start again with the first meeting of the year on Saturday 22nd February at 8pm UTC. Please join the forum if you haven't already and check for details about upcoming meetings here: The last few months have been challenging and I'm glad that things are now settled down and going relatively smoothly again. First off I had to move out of my apartment and search for new accommodation which I eventually found, luckily not far from where I lived. Then it turned out that in the new house there was a downstairs shop available for an affordable rent, which I immediately pounced on and moved the whole tangible waves workshop into this new location which is now just downstairs from where I now live. As you can imagine, a dual move of way too much stuff was not easy and it took much longer than I anticipated. However, now we're all settled and the workshop is bigger and better organised than before, so my confidence in being able to deliver future orders in a shorter time frame has increased by a lot. As a thank you to all the loyal customers and friends of AE Modular we're again providing a special discount for the holidays. Please use the below code for 11% off all purchases on the tangible waves website (valid until 31st December, only on the tangible waves website): XMAS2024-11 New Modules from tangible wavesA lot has happened between the last blog in June and today, and while our focus was mostly on the workshop move and getting orders out the door, there are few new (and not so new) modules worth mentioning here. FMOS R2
IMDI Heart
Micro but mighty IMDI Oscillators These tiny oscillator modules pack quite a lot of features into a very small package. They have few physical controls, but all parameters can be mapped to external MIDI controllers, once they are connected via IMDI. All these modules can also be selected when purchasing the IMDI Starter Bundle. uOSC This oscillator in micro format is a very versatile digital oscillator which can be controlled via CV and IMDI. It can output different waveforms and it's possible to switch the waveforms via CV or IMDI signals:
Additionally there is a sub-octave output with a squarewave and a mix output where the primary signal is mixed with the sub-octave. You can find more information and purchase this module in our online shop. uFM This is a two operator FM oscillator in micro format with extended functionality which can be controlled via CV and IMDI signals:
Additionally there is a sub-octave output with a squarewave and a mix output where the primary signal is mixed with the sub-octave. You can find more information and purchase this module in our online shop. uPoly This micro module is a polyphonic 4-voice sawtooth oscillator. It can play pre-defined chords in major or minor scale or via IMDI you can play it as a paraphonic oscillator with a common envelope:
When controlled via IMDI there are even more possibilities:
You can find more information and purchase this module in our online shop. News from 3rd Party MakersWonkystuff There are quite a few new modules from Wonkystuff this year and some have been listed here on the blog earlier in the year already. However since Superbooth there were 4 new modules which will probably soon be named as must-haves by AE Modular artists world wide. Some of the new modules were demonstrated at the UK Synthfest 2024 in October and you can see them in action here: mco/1b This is an update to the very first MIDI controllable oscillator for AE Modular which adds more parameters to the voice architecture and the ability to poly-chain multiple of these modules together! You can buy this from the Wonkystuff online shop playa If you ever wanted to make music like Jean Michel Jare in Oxygene then this module is for you. It is a velocity-sensitive percussion module which is loaded with short samples from the original Minipops drum machine. It can only be played via MIDI, so you will need either Wonkystuff's mb/1 or the new IMDI Heart module from tangible waves to connect it to a DAW or MIDI controller. You find out more about this module and purchase it on the Wonkystuff online shop. ktkt This module has a piezo sensor attached to the front panel which can be used to send the scratches or taps you make directly to the module into your patch. There is also an envelope follower so you can turn these hands on manipulations directly into CV modulation signals for other modules, eg. filter cutoff, etc. The 1.1 version also has a 3.5mm input jack for connecting a high impedance microphone or even connecting to an electric guitar or bass! You find out more about this module and purchase it on the Wonkystuff online shop. trm This module has been in the making (sort of) for 4 years! And AE Modular fans have been asking for something like this for even longer. Finally we have a ring modulator and this looks really cool in a chunky industrial way. What is there to say? Patch in your carrier and modulator and get out those weird Dr. Who sounds you've always wanted to make. You can buy this from the Wonkystuff online shop. env/4 This is a 4 channel A/D envelope generator in which each channel has the same shape. Great for using with a poly-chain of mco/1b's for instance! This module isn't available just yet, but we'll let you know once it is. uBaseLite A very lightweight power only base module for hooking up 3 micro modules into your AE Modular rack. This isn't available yet, but may be sold soon in conjunction with some package deals. BF Synths This power duo from Belgium and France have put a lot of work into revamping some modules which were originally made by either Keurslager Kurt or M4vrick. Some with improved circuitry and new faceplates. The following modules are available for sale from their Tindie store, and there are few new modules in the making for next year! BF-31 Endless Arpeggios: 5STEPS This is a new version of Keurslager Kurt's Five Steps and is a very intriguing step sequencer which turns an incoming CV signal into a sequence of steps. It can also be used as a quantizer. It's a bit mysterious at first, but once you play with it, it becomes super fun, especially in live performances. You can read more about it and purchase it from the BF Tindie Store BF-21 Slow & Chaotic Modulation: 2SLOTH This is an improved version of the Sloths module which is a clone with permission from the original creator Non-Linear Circuits. It is basically two slow chaotic CV sources which can add interesting and surprising variation to your patches. You can read more about it and purchase it from the BF Tindie Store Faux Cyrillic Faux Cyrillic gave us the incredibly versatile AEuroPi last year and followed that up with the PikoCore which is already a favourite among some AE Modular artists. This year however we got two more exciting modules which unfortunately sold out way too quickly. Hopefully there will be more batches made next year! Also there seems to be a prototype of a Mutable Instruments Marbles clone in the making… You should definitely check the Tindie store regularly and keep an eye out on the forum for when new modules are made available! You can also see announcements and some of the modules in action on his Instagram page: LFO++ This is a dual LFO on steroids with multiple wave shapes, offset, modulation depth and CV controllable rate! If this module doesn't have it, then you don't need it. Fortunate indeed are those few who were able to snatch one of these before they sold out. You should get on the waitlist to get notified when a new batch comes out next year. Coils This is a clone of the Mutable Instruments Plaits digital oscillator with multiple modes and waveforms, including FM, speech synthesis, chords, physical modeling, percussion and even slow moving LFOs. Get on the waitlist for this one or you may miss it again when a new batch arrives! (However, if you happen to live in the USA then you can buy one from @solipsistnation, a user on the forum who also builds the Coils from the open source plans. You can read more about this in this forum post.) LGM Devices Known as @mrkoggs on the forum, this new 3rd party maker has already wowed us with his very first module which adds a lot of light to your AE rack via an LED strip. His next upcoming module will be a very welcome audio effects processor. You can find his Tindie store here: Ray Gun This module comes with an LED strip which can then be controlled via trigger inputs. Triggers 1-3 will produce a different light effect depending on the current mode and the 4th will switch to the next mode. There are 8 modes available in the original firmware. A button is also provided for each trigger input for manual triggering. This module can be purchased from the LGM Devices Tindie store. Hyperdrive This module takes an incoming audio signal stereoizes it while adding drive and character. You have to listen to it to believe it, it's wonderful! Here is a demo on Instagram. |
Klip by tIB - tIB is back with a cool experimental album which brings together a few classics: Buchla, Serge, Emu and of course AE Modular! Check it out: |
Rays by Black Warrior Lures - Apparently there was time to compose before the fishing season started ;-) And out came this intricate puzzle of an album. If this is too busy at first, then just close your eyes … it will make sense once you slow down. |
FOLSOM by pt3r - patching out of his comfort zone, this album contains sounds produced by experimental circuitry via the Breadboard module among others. Check it out: |
"Die Abenteuer des Professor Adalwolf Nudelhaupt" by Aditi - This is an intricate and exciting composition written for a string ensemble piano and AE modular! Check it out: |
VCASE-7 Live at Emom by Namke - Taking a few Wonkystuff modules in a super tiny VCASE-7 and playing a live set at the local EMOM … It's brave, for sure, but the result is also quite beautiful. Check it out:
AEM and Volca Modular experiments by saltatempo - the Korg Volca Modular is the ideal companion to the AE modular especially when using the VMBRIDGE module to let the two systems interact with each other. Here are some interesting experiments:
Cloudy Sky by Running In - Check out this lovely ambient track which combines the Neutron, Eurorack modules (Clouds) with AE Modular (Cirrus and TBD).
Day in the life of a Fishing Tackle Designer … by Black Warrior Lures - This is another beautiful documentary style video by the multi-talent fisherman, tackle designer, jazz composer and videographer.
The Elephant and the Lagoon by Maydonpoliris - Follow the elephant as it wanders along the lagoon in this slow tempo groove with cool sounds all throughout. A real treat:
Dragged Across by 101 - Listen to this bombastic sound scape which hides so many intricate little sounds among the main sequence:
Apparently this module is progressing in spite of a few minor setbacks. You can follow the progress on the forum:
And see a prototype in action in this video:
Meetings and Events
We had a really nice March meetup on the 26th which was in the middle of the week for the first time! We talked a lot about the upcoming 1-wire MIDI standard (called IMDI) and the kind of modules which will be possible with this (see above for the first tranche of these). Overall the topics were quite technical, but it's not always like that. If you have a special topic you would like to discuss, or even something to present, then please contact Carsten aka The 5th Volt aka @admin via the forum.
Next meetup is on Sunday 28th April with more information on the forum closer to the date:
SUPERBOOTH 2024, 16-18 May 2024 in Berlin, Germany
This important event is fast approaching and it's still time to buy tickets online! This year we will host our own "SupAEbooth" inside Superbooth as we will share a big table with the 3rd party manufacturers: Wonkystuff, Kyaa, Keurslager Kurt and M4vrick! Please come and see us when you're around, it will be a fantastic event! You can find us in the great hall all the way through the left hallway right at the entrance!
New Products
The new PAN/XFADE does exactly what the name suggests. It works either as a signal panner, meaning one input signal is moved continuously between the left and right output, or, in crossfade mode, where it blends between two input signals into one output. Of course controllable by CV and working for audio signals as well as DC control voltages.
You can purchase this module in our shop.
This base module for micro modules is made to fit into the new QS cases and is now for sale in our shop.
QS Connectors
Combine two QS cases together with these connectors. These connectors also connect the power rails between the cases so only one master module is needed. They come in different flavours which you can buy in our shop:
New Modules From Wonkystuff
Kaestle ARP
This module is the third in the series of clones of the Bastle Kastle. It is a melodic generator and sine wave generator. You can find more information and purchase it here:
This is a new version of the beloved random bit-shift sequencer. All parameters are now CV controllable and it sends individual triggers for each bit which is great for creating random drum patterns. Of course you would combine this with the range of
This is an analog snare drum module with a circuit derived from the Boss DR-110 SD. Because it's highly tweakable it comes in the full form factor rather than as a micro module.
This is a dual 4 bit counter in micro module format. It generates two 4 bit trigger signals which count in binary according to an input clock. What is it good for? Drums? Triggering things … or you can feed it into the next module, the R2R for generating interesting CV.
This is an 8-bit DAC which takes 8 inputs as binary and outputs analog CV. This combines well with the 2x4! module or other trigger inputs.
News and Music From the Community
This mega tutorial project just keeps giving and this month we are presented with a video each for the 2LFO and NOISE modules. Immense respect to RSKT who makes even the most humble module look and sound like a star. Check it out:
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FOLSOM by pt3r - Can drums get any darker than this? We don't think so, but maybe you want to rise to the challenge? Check it out:
Aphex Twin's Flim with AE on Drums by cpruby - This is not an easy piece to program, but cpruby managed this and explained the process in this post:
Fishing Drones by Black Warrior Lures - @funbun showing off his fishing grounds in his new tinnie while playing a slightly ominous drone. Fish beware!
Deep Blue by running in - A very atmospheric piece in which the AE Modular (with Cirrus) is playing alongside the Neutron and Micro Brute. Check it out:
Meetings and Events
DEEP SPACE 909 Electronic Music Festival, 13th April 2024, Schloss Plötzkau, Germany
This is a music festival featuring Open Air Electronica, Drum & Bass and Deep Techno. Robert from Tangible Waves will be showing off the AE Modular range!! If you happen to be in the north-eastern parts of Germany (it's not too far from Berlin) on that weekend you should check it out.
All information on this Facebook page:
AE Modular Zoom Meetup
The first meetup of the year happened on Saturday 24th of February with a good turn up of people. It's inspiring to hear from each about their music and DIY projects and some of the presented topics lead to lively discussions. At this meeting we talked about laser controllers, ribbon controllers, Australian songbirds, a new prototype of a tracker module and some really cool software synths and sequencers.
Some people lament that they can't come to Saturday events, because they are partying too hard ;-) and for those lucky individuals we've come up with a schedule of different weekdays each month:
- March, 26th (Tuesday)
- April, 28th (Sunday)
- May, -- no meetup -- (Superbooth)
- June, 29th (Saturday)
- July, 30th (Tuesday)
- August, 25th (Sunday)
- September, 28th (Saturday)
- October, 29th (Tuesday)
- November, 24th (Sunday)
- December, -- no meetup -- (Xmas holidays)
- January '25, -- no meetup -- (Summer holidays in Australia)
We are always happy for new people to join the meetups, so just tune on one of the next meetings! More info on the forum at (you must be signed in to the forum to see this page):
While we had a few major products released last year, the CIRRUS Classic, RAINS and most importantly the SAMPLYR, I think that the most exciting product wasn't actually a module, but the new Quickswap Case. This incredible versatile new case system was designed by Toms aka Kyaa and is produced here at tangible waves in partnership. The fact that this case makes it so easy to swap modules in and out will change how people use modular synths fundamentally and I think that by adopting this new case, people will move towards smaller systems which they configure on the fly for each musical occasion.
Another big development of which we will definitely hear and see more of this year is the new modular MIDI system which was initially created by John Tuffen aka Wonkystuff and which you can already experiment with by using his first batch of modules mb/1, mco/1 and the like. However tangible waves has come to an agreement with John and we will produce a joint standards document so that all manufacturers can create modules which can listen and talk MIDI via patch cable. This standards document is also supported by Sean, a computer science professor who is currently working with us on preparing this standard for submission to the Sound and Music Computing conference (SMC 2024) and thereby giving this incredible academic rigour. Watch this space, there are a number of very powerful and exciting new modules in the design and prototyping stages already.
We are also very much looking forward to the first official SupAEbooth where tangible waves and the major 3rd party manufacturers Kyaa, Wonkystuff, Keurslagerkurt and M4vrick will share one large stand at Superbooth 24 and present a variety of AE Modular which hasn't been seen before at this venue.
New Products
DRUMKIT 010 R2 This is a new and improved version of the lofi drumkit module with better sound quality and, most importantly, without the "high-pitched noise" which some have experienced with the old version. Customers who have issues with the high pitch noise on their existing previous version module can contact us for receiving a 20% discount on this new version! You can purchase it now in our shop. uBASE-QS 2 This is the counterpart of the uBASE module for the new Quickswap case! Due to the quite different mechanical design, the uBASE module cannot be mounted in the Quickswap case; but of course you want to use micro modules also in the new case! The uBASE-QS 2 allows exactly this; it can carry up to four micro modules, and additionally it has sockets to access all bus signals like CV, gate, MIDI control/start/stop/clock plus +5V and ground. The uBASE-QS can be plugged into the Quickswap case like all modules, screwless. You can purchase it now in our shop. |
Third Party Products
This flew a bit under the radar as it's really a concept beta, but it's a promising concept of trying to adapt the standalone unit which was designed by infinitedigits. It will take a Raspberry Pi Pico filled with wav files and allows you to jump around and play different positions of the current file. It's chaotic and weird and wonderful. Check it out in the online shops:
And the discussion on the forum:
TELEX by Fauxcyrillic
This is an upcoming module which is a sort of clone of the Monome Teletype module. It allows you to connect a USB computer keyboard for live coding! Check out the discussion on the forum:
Upcoming Products
The following products are currently focused in development and will be released soon.
MIDI2CV - This module transforms MIDI signals to multichannel CV. It can handle MIDI over 3.5mm minijack socket as well as USB MIDI and also data of the new modular MIDI standard. It has 8 CV outputs, 4 gate outputs, MIDI realtime info (start/stop/clock) and via a menu, the configuration can be defined freely, like single monophonic channels, 4-voice polyphony, free controller-to-CV assignment etc. An optional extender module adds another 8 CV and 8 gate/trigger outputs.
IMDI MAIN - This module, developed in partnership with Wonkystuff, is an extended version of the mb/1 and provides extended functionality for receiving MIDI via 3.5mm socket and via USB-C socket, then distributing it to other MIDI capable modules in the AE system via regular patch wires.
2LFO R2 - This is an updated version of the dual LFO which is completely redesigned for easier and more consistent production. It will also offer a switch for a super slooooow mode.
PAN/XFADE - as the name implies, a module for managing panning and crossfades. Depending on the selected mode, it can either pan one input signal to two (stereo) outputs, or crossfade between two input signals into one output. Of course with CV control, and for audio and CV signals!
GRAINS R2 - This updated version will be a departure from its Eurorack roots and offer more inputs, outputs and LEDs for showing three digital outputs. This is based on suggestions by Sean Luke, who has recently released dozens of new firmwares for the existing GRAINS module. But it still remains 100% compatible with the original GRAINS, so all currently existing patches will still work on the GRAINS R2!
News and Music from the Community
The RSKT AE Modular Video Library
No less than 4 new videos have been released this month on RSKT's mission to upload a tutorial for every single module in his growing AE Modular system. Please check them out as you will likely find interesting and new uses of even the "boring" bread and butter modules like VCAs and even the attenuators. But the real treat is the multitude of great sounding patches which RSKT uses to show off each module's features.
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This beautiful track is just perfect to gently guide us into the new year.
While George aka Orchid's Void usually combines many synths for his tracks, this one is made exclusively with the AE system going into a reverb pedal. Check it out!
This fully AE arranged track is almost "old school" in that it is all AE without external synths or effects. It's a great showcase of the system and the various third party modules.
Anti f:Orm vol. 10 - Track by pt3r This compilation of interesting soundscapes features one track by our master of ambience, check it out and consider buying it! |
Cold's Creep by Black Warrior Lures It's winter in half the world and this album celebrates the cold, the snow but also the hope for spring. This album feels a bit different to Damon's other albums with being more ambient, but the sounds are just as intriguing as ever. Check it out and please consider buying it! |
Patch Challenge #31 - Bring the beat back
Here are a few contenders for this drum oriented patch challenge. You can still submit your own tracks here:
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Hedgehog 2XOR Module This is a beautiful breadboard module of a dual XOR circuit. We'd love to hear some sounds! |
LED Strip Module This is a very funky lightshow connected straight to what's happening in your AE Modular. Check it out in the video above. You will find more info and discussion about this on the forum: | |
AE Modular Online Meeting
Everytime I see a video or listen to a track posted on the forum is a confirmation that I'm doing the right thing and that any problems I have to overcome are worth it. You know that I love designing modules and tinkering with new prototypes, but that alone wouldn't carry me through as much as seeing the way the community is embracing it and supporting not just me, but each other in such a beautiful way.
Over the years, the number and variety of modules has grown incredibly and while the 3rd party modules have not just increased in number, but also have impressed me with their incredible quality, I felt that I also had to step up my game. I've hinted about a renewed push towards better quality, more durable components and much needed revisions of existing modules before, but today I've made the greatest step so far: From today, all modules will be offered by default with the black faceplates at no extra cost to you. (The grey faceplates will remain as an option however, for those who want to keep their system's “classic” look ).
As you will see below, we will now also start selling the new Quick Swap Case, which was developed over almost 2 years by Toms aka Kyaa. This case, while necessarily much more expensive than our standard cases, is showing a glimpse of the future for AE Modular. The incredible quality, durability and versatility is unmatched, not just for AE Modular, but for any modular format! It will forever change how people will plan and use their systems, at home in their studio or on the road in live situations. I am incredibly thankful to Toms for sharing this invention with me and our collaboration to bring this to the wider community.
Another incredibly exciting development which comes from a collaboration with John aka Wonkystuff is the development of a new MIDI format. First developed by John and currently on sale in his store are the new breed of modules which transmit and read MIDI data via a normal patch cable. This seemingly simple paradigm is so powerful that it, too, will change the use of AE Modular in the future immensely. John, me and Mathias are collaborating to make this new “MIDI via patch cable” a much more integrated part of the AE Modular system and the types of modules which this enables will be truly mind boggling! Watch this space!
The interaction between tangible waves and the 3rd party creators is just as open, respectful and marked foremost by the love to share knowledge and to support each other as it is in all AE Modular community channels. And next year this will culminate in a truly Inception-like twist when we will present together at the Superbooth with our own (Sup)AE Booth which will include tangible waves, Kyaa, Wonkystuff, Keurslager Kurt and hopefully others!
It seems impossible that each year will bring a new superlative, but I think that in the AE Modular community with its friendly and open spirit of discovery and invention, nothing is impossible!
Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and a wonderful start in the new year 2024!
Happy Christmas Discount
(This code is valid from today until 31st of December 2023)
New Products
Quick Swap Case
This case was designed by Toms aka Kyaa and is now being licensed and produced by us here in our workshop at tangible waves. This makes it much easier to sell and distribute globally. The case is made of very strong aluminium with a black, matte finish. If you haven't seen the video in which Toms has introduced the case at Superbooth in May, please watch it here:
The Quick Swap cases come in all variants of 3 widths (12, 16, 20) and 4 heights (1-row … 4-row); additionally, cases can be combined via an ingenious connector board that does not only the mechanical connection but also connects the power supply.
Please note that not all modules fit into this case, especially a few older ones and some 3rd party modules. Most importantly the old Master module will not fit and needs to be replaced with the newest version (see below). We will adapt all modules to be QS case compatible; promised!
Please go to the individual product pages in our online shop for:
And here is just one more teaser of a prototype for a handle for even more versatility of the QS case.
New MASTER R5 Module
Mainly because the previous revisions didn't fit into the Quick Swap Case, we're releasing a new version of the Master Module which will not only fit into the new case but also adds a new set of DIP switches for decoupling MIDI signals from the bus.
If you have bought a Master module within the last 12 months, you can order the new module version at a discount of 25%. Please get in touch with us to get your discount.
You can buy the new Master module from our shop.
This module is perfect for live performances as it gives you 6 push buttons that send triggers. It's great for starting a sample on SAMPLYR, advancing or resetting a sequence on SEQ8/16 or playing finger drums.
You can buy the 6TRIGBUTTON from our online shop.
New Micro Modules
We are continuing on our journey to make everything smaller! The latest batch of micro modules are:
- uENV - a single envelope generator with CV control, AD/AR mode and exponential/linear characteristic
- uXMIX- a micro version of the XMIX module which features 2 different types of mixers, an attenuator plus an inversion channel
- uWNDCOMP - this is a window comparator which takes an input voltage and then sends out three independent gate signals indicating that this voltage is either higher, lower or within the bounds of the offset and window size voltages.
You can purchase these now in our shop.
The first revision of our tiny mixer was a total hit, especially with musicians who love to make music with the Volca instruments from Korg. Unfortunately some of the Volcas would be quite noisy when powered via the DC outputs from the VMIX-10 which lead to the introduction of the noise blocker cable (which we no longer produce). This new revision of the VMIX-10 features specially designed DC isolating circuits on the 4 power outputs which eliminates the noise issue when used with the Volcas.
You can buy the new R2 version of the VMIX-10 in our online shop.
SAMPLYR Programmer
The SAMPLYR module is by far the most complex digital module which we've designed ourselves here at tangible waves and we admit that there may still be a few quirks which will only become apparent once enough people are playing with it. Therefore we will soon release a small device plus a comfortable updater software which you can use to upload new firmwares from your PC to the SAMPLYR module using a USB cable.
RSKT's Video Library
Rhys aka RSKT is incredibly productive and releases his online video tutorials quicker than we can watch them! They are incredibly thorough and entertaining. Each video comes with sound demos which could be full music tracks in their own right. Hats off to Rhys, he has certainly raised the bar for AE Modular tutorials a mile high and his influence on the community, especially to newcomers is invaluable.
There's now a dedicated sub board on the forum for his announcements:
You can of course also go straight to his videos on his YouTube channel:
Music from the Community
Analog by @aditivienna is an incredible debut album, made with a whole room full of cool gear, but a big part was the AE Modular system. This album is "an adventure", full of chiptune wonder and a surprising final track which reveals everything! You should definitely check it out and send some $$$ - it's Christmas after all! |
Deep Waters by @runningin is a beautiful droning creation which is quite fitting for the season with its chorus of bells. A great use of the TBD and CIRRUS modules!
Black Warrior Lures on TV!! This is predominantly a documentary about his life and work as a fisherman on the Black Warrior river in Alabama. However it is underlaid with Damon's usual intricately arranged synth lines which he performs live on the river bank. Watch the TV clip here:
Some Mo' Dorian by Black Warrior Lures is inspired by the above TV shoot and subsequent live performance, but with a bit more polish from a controlled studio environment. It's beautiful album and you should check it out: |
Pursuit of Doctrines by @solipsistnation is a drone with RAINS clangs:
AE+TAPE=TAEP? by Keurslager Kurt. This thread features two recordings made with the same recording setup but different synths. This is K playing on his softer, more ambient side, which we love just as much as his jumping Techno tracks!
MINLM by @pt3r!! Can we just all agree that there is no artist on the AE Modular forum who produces more music on a continuous basis than Peter? He gifts us with so many different sounds and genres, it's like it's Christmas every day! This is his most recent album of all one-patch-no-daw tracks. |
It's all about cases this month! @georgemuralkh took matters into his own hands and promptly designed these beautiful 3D printed cases. As you can see by the length of this thread, it garnered a lot of attention already. Not sure if the files will be released soon, so watch this space!
It's also all about the GRAINS! A veritable explosion of new GRAINS firmwares has happened not quite overnight, but in an incredibly short time all thanks to Sean aka @feijal who apparently has nothing better to do than to plumb the depths of what's possible with the GRAINS. So far there are 22 new firmwares available from @feijal's code repository. You can also follow the discussion here:
Events and Meetups
This year's final meetup was held on Saturday 2nd of December 2023 and was a great success once again.
Next year we will experiment with different alternating days so hopefully we will be able to attract people who could not join the weekend meeting. The idea is to have the meeting on a Weekday one month and on the Saturday the next month.
Please visit the forum for more information and future meeting dates.
AE Modular featured in German Synthesizer Magazine
​​We are very honoured to have been featured in Germany's most prominent eponymous Synthesizer Magazine in a special edition which gives people, who are new to modular synthesis an easy entry. Especially for this edition we created three new full mini systems based on the VCASE-7 which can now be purchased in our shop (links below). These are described in detail in the magazine and there's also a nice introduction video by The 5th Volt, for the first time in German language!
You can purchase the Synthesizer Magazine special modular synth edition here:
New Products
- VSYSTEM-1 is a true analog synth with a sequencer
- VSYSTEM-2 is a digital wavetable synth with effects, eg. reverb, chorus, shimmer, etc.
- VSYSTEM-3 is a lo-fi drum machine with a sample player
​If you have an idea for a cool mini system configuration, then please let me know, either via the contact form here on the website or via the forum:
Other Products
As explained in the last blog post, we discovered a few software bugs just before releasing the module and had to fix all those before shipping it to everyone who has ordered it. And along the way we also added a few additional features! But all orders are now shipped and the software is better than ever!
Thanks to RSKT for being a beta tester and not just finding all the bugs just in time, but also for making this cool overview video for the SAMPLYR module. Also to Matt for suggesting features which I would have never thought of.​
​Problems with the TBD Open Source Software
If you are a forum regular you may have witnessed the long running thread about issues with missing presets in the TBD module. As it is all based on open source software and not a hardware issue we had to involve the creator of the project, Robert Manzke, and one of the most prolific plugin developers for TBD, Mathias (aka @visuellemusik) to troubleshoot and work towards a resolution. It's tricky as there are many interconnected parts, but it seems that a fix is either already there, or at least close. Well done to everyone involved, especially user @tIB who not only reported the issue in the first place, but became an integral party in its resolution process. You can read all about it in this thread:
AEther Waves Vol. 5 has been released! ​
Again, all proceeds are sent directly to Musicians without Borders in support of their work to bring music to young people who are living in regions which are affected by war and terror (of which there are now way too many, unfortunately!). So please go and buy the album, it's only 5 Euros!
User @feijal suggests these super cute and quite affordable sensors which can be connected to the AE Modular via the bus power and send CV directly to modules, as they operate on 0-5V. This could give your system immediate expressiveness! Read more here:
GRAINSurgery is not for the faint of heart, but can give much power!
This thread is all about making the GRAINS be controllable via direct MIDI messages when partnered with the mb/1 module from Wonkystuff. You need to do some soldering and there's a new firmware, but it may be worth it! Find out more here: ​
Events and Meetups
This was a great meetup of synth manufacturers and enthusiasts in the UK and luckily we had John from Wonkystuff to show off not only the AE Modular, but also his own fabulous module creations, especially the new MIDI modules. He was even interviewed by Sonicstate, which you can view here:
​Monthly Zoom Meetup
This was a bit later in the month than usual, but again there were good discussions, especially around various DIY topics.
We are always happy to see new people at these events. If you would like to join, please find more information on the forum (you must be logged in to see this post):
The SAMPLYR module has been sent to a few beta testers who really put it through its paces and found some issues and gave very good suggestions for additional features which we need to get added into the firmware first before sending it out to all customers. Production and order fulfilment has been seriously delayed lately because of alternating illness of staff. Development of new products has been on hold while I was organising a private move out of the apartment my partner and I have been living in for some years, which took much more time and energy than I thought.
In short .. for a small company like ours, when life gets in the way, it affects business more than it would a bigger one.
Unfortunately this affects you, our dear customers, and for that I am deeply sorry! And in order to make it up to you I would like to announce our ….
from now until the 31st October.
Just use the discount code: HAELLOWEEN23
- New case options including the new quick-mount case developed by Kyaa
- Improved front panels as standard
- New and revised/improved standard modules
- Slower development with a focus on more rigorous testing before releasing new modules
These changes will take time and we will report on them over the next few months. However if you have any comments or questions, please get in touch either via the forum:
or via the contact form on our website:
New Products
These were already covered in the July Newsletter but they are now officially for sale on the Wonkystuff website!
The other modules in this system are micro modules for which you would need a uBase to install them in your system:
- mco/1 is an oscillator which is fully controlled via MIDI signals
- mcc/4 translates 4 MIDI CC messages to CV
- m/tr8 translates MIDI key presses to trigger signals which can be used to trigger drums or envelopes in the AE system
The website has much more information about this, you should definitely check it out!
Also here is a short video which shows how the mco/1 works:
We at tangible waves are also preparing an extended integration of MIDI functionality into AE modular, e.g. to handle polyphony easily, and getting comprehensive modulation possibilities via MIDI.
Music from the Community
It's time for another community album! The last 4 albums were a blast and why stop? Please send in your tracks by the 23rd of October. More information on the forum:
Live Performances
Namke Communications has performed with a minimal AE Modular setup in a beautiful setting and luckily for us it was all filmed and recorded! Check it out:
The 5th Volt was invited to play at a small synth gathering with the theme "Deep Ocean". The recording of this all AE Modular composition can be seen here:
New Albums
It's always exciting to see complete albums being made with the AE Modular. And the ones below are
Dead City - Foxermod has dropped his very first full EP made completely with the AE Modular system. It's clearly a work of love and just an outstanding achievement musically and for the AE Modular eco system. Please check it out and purchase it on Bandcamp: Hills like Drops of Blood - Many Small Functions made his debut on Bandcamp with this ambient, drone and percussion focused album. It's a real treat and you should check it out: | The Vibes of Prime - Black Warrior Lures aka funbun has produced a new album using his new found "solo" voice consisting of a combination of a random bit shift sequencer, sample and hold and the SLOTH module from Keurslager Kurt. This sounds really good and you should check it out: |
Chariots on Fire - 101 (Dolittle)
This was made with the AE Modular and the Yamaha TX81 for pads.
Vingerlik - Keurslager Kurt is "fingerlicking" good and shows how you can make big sounds with a small synth setup and a powerful effects pedal (in this case the Hologram Microcosm)
VCASE-7 adventures
L+R Studies for Stereo - Keurslager Kurt shows off his new mini case with a few modules to great effect in this forum post.
This hack looks dangerous and will definitely void any warranty for your GRAINS, but the benefits are immense in that it adds full MIDI functionality to GRAINS. Obviously you will need to load firmware which can make use of this functionality, but that may be forthcoming. More info at:
Events and Meetups
More information here:
Knobcon - September 8-10 in Chicago
Kyaa had a stall there and reportedly had a lot of fun showing off the AE Modular system, SAMPLYR, Quickswap (including the new powdercoat finish, and the suitcase hinge), Euclid Grid in Eurorack-format and a specially made Euclid Grid in a Tin-Can!
UPCOMING Synthfest UK - October 7th in Sheffield
If you are nearby, you should definitely go to this year's Synthfest UK and visit John from Wonkystuff who will be eager to show you the new MIDI modules!
More info:
Superbooth was amazing as always. It is really a great experience not only to meet our trusted and new potential customers, but also the other exhibitors. Over the years we have become a sort of extended family, and Superbooth our grand gathering in the middle of the year.
Here are a few impressions:
We also had a visit from Luke from Sonicstate again. Have a look:
New Products
It’s a sample player which loads samples of any length from micro SD. Samples have to be stored as 8bit mono WAV files. You can set the sample start and end points as well as a loop start and end point. Here is a demo video on how this sounds:
While the hardware for this module was stable months ago, it took much longer to work on the firmware.
But this is now done and you can order the module from our shop.
New case by KYAA
This has been leaked and talked about a lot, but seeing and feeling this super quality case was amazing. We can’t wait to see this in production. This video shows Toms talk about it in more detail:
Le Module 01 by M4vrick
This is a chord oscillator not unlike the Solina, but with different waveforms. It sounds amazing! Check out this video by RSKT to get more info and some ideas on how to use it in a patch:
AEuroPi by Fauxcyrillic This is another programmable module which is similar to the Ornament & Crime (which is unfortunately no longer available due to chip apocalypse). It is a CV control module which can be programmed in Micropython. It has the following features:
You can get up to date information about this and other projects by Fauxcyrillic on the forum: |
555 Oscillator by Keurslager Kurt This is a fully analog oscillator with superb tracking and sound. It has the following features:
You can purchase it from Tindie: |
Wonkystuff news
John has been hard at work to create a new series of modules which will revolutionise the way we use MIDI in our AE Modular systems. So far this series consists of the following modules:
mb/1 - This is the base module in full size 1U. It has a 3.5mm MIDI input jack and 20 patch outputs: one for each of 16 MIDI channels, plus reset, clock, start and a MIDI through. The revolutionary thing about this is that each of the 16 channels transmit the fill MIDI serial protocol via the patch cable! This introduces a third signal path to our modular systems: Audio, Control Voltage and now MIDI!
mco/1 - This is a micro sized fully featured oscillator which has a MIDI patch input and audio, trigger and gate outputs. Although it has a convenient hardware tuning knob, all other parameters are accessible only via MIDI control messages (CC).
mcc/4 - This translates various MIDI CC messages into control voltage for use within the AE rack. Out of the box the following messages are supported, however other CC commands can be configured:
- a: Pitch bend
- b: Modulation (CC 1)
- c: Breath control (CC 2)
- d: CC 3
m/tr8 - This is a micro module which translates MIDI key presses into trigger signals which can be used to trigger drums or envelopes in your AE rack. Out of the box it registers middle C as the first trigger and the following seven notes/keys for subsequent triggers.
All of these modules are currently in development. Check out the forum for any updates! However here is a sneak peak from Superbooth:
New shop front for EU customers - Due to the UK's Brexit it has become a bit difficult to ship anything to the EU, which has prompted Wonkystuff to open a second storefront for EU customers only. This manages postage and any customs charges a bit more conveniently:
Music from the Community
| |

Album Marmor by Jerngevir (aka @gaetan)
This a very nice atmospheric work made 100% in the AE rack. The two songs use the same patch in different ways.
Album Sequences by Black Warrior Lures aka @funbun One track on this album answers the question we have all been asking ourselves when lying awake in the dead of night, “can the AE play Shakespear?” Go and listen to Twelfth Night’s Storm and you will agree, that yes, AE is definitely up for Bill’s finest! The other tracks are also very good and make much use of the new Rains and Cirrus modules. |
Album TAKES, TOKES & TOKENS by Deofol aka @pt3r From the master of drones comes a superbly rhythmic and melodic album which explores new modules straight out the rack. |
Making the most out of a tiny system
Matt Wand aka @rockysmalls showed it first in this jam at Superbooth where he created huge soundscapes with only the AE Rains and AE Cirrus modules with some micro helpers in a tiny VCASE7 rack.
This prompted The 5th Volt aka @admin to make a more “classic” MicroStAEtion which features a dual oscillator, very grungy filter and 8 step sequencer also in the VCASE7. It’s great for jamming as you can see in this video:
AE Modular Live Set in Brooklyn, NY by @rami - Playing live with a modular can be a daunting task, as we discussed many times in our Zoom meetups. Rami shows how it’s done in this 50 minutes long performance. And the audience is loving it!
Live in Australia by @maydonpoliris - This is another daring modular live gig at a wintry outdoor modular meetup near Sydney. Get into it and let the groove put you in a trance!
So much more!
As always, this blog can only list a small sample of the music that’s uploaded to the Forum and Discord. The last 3 months have been full of new music created by our fantastic community. Please check it out either on Discord or on the Forum:
Events and Meetup
Next meetup is on the 26th of August (27th for the Australians). Please check the forum for more information.
Robert Langer, founder of tangible waves. Here, I will share some thoughts, background infos and news about AE modular and tangible waves.
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