I would like to wish all our customers and members of the AE Modular community a happy and above all, healthy new year! We are now in the 7th year of operation since the successful Kickstarter in late 2016 and we have great plans for this year. But first the good news: Antonia is back from her extended hospital stay, which will be a huge relief for all of us and also will hopefully mean that we will get through our backlog much quicker than we have while she was away. Last month we released the first two clones of Mutable Instrument modules which use a chip which is relatively good available and hopefully will be for some time (fingers crossed). There are more MI modules in that line which use this chip and we’ll try to release those just in time for Superbooth. I’m still excited about the possibilities of the micro modules and have a few ideas for extending the range further this year. I have concluded that the ½ height format is too cumbersome, especially when thinking about specialised cases, so this format is now discontinued and we will only release ⅓ modules from now on. There will be a new mixer module (replacement for the only ½ sized module) and a few different sequencer modules among others. I hope you’ll like where this is going. There are also a few older modules which are in need of improvement with better sound quality and additional features, so stay tuned for those. Of course we will also be present at this year’s Superbooth and I hope to meet some of you there in person, if you can make it! But apart from what we’ll be doing here at the tangible waves workshop, I’m especially looking forward to what YOU will be doing with the AE Modular and I hope to hear and see many more amazing creations on the forum and social media! New Products
TBD Android AppThis came as a complete and very welcome surprise: with this mobile phone app you can control the TBD module from your phone without the need of a PC! Currently this only works on Android phones and you need to connect a USB cable between your phone and the TBD. This app was developed by a new user @betaboon and he currently offers it as a free download from the Google app store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aemodular.tbd If you have any questions or would like to report any issues, please head over to the forum where you can find more information: https://forum.aemodular.com/thread/2435/tbd-android-app Music from the CommunityInterstellar Drive Extended Mix - @deepSEA presented this video of how he made his track for the last Aetherwaves album. Check it out: https://forum.aemodular.com/thread/2477/deepsea-interstellar-drive-extended-youtube First two fishing trips - @funbun has taken up his fishing rod and jumped into his trusted boat to present us with his first two fishing adventures of the year. Always worth a watch and the soundtrack is, of course, all made with the AE Modular: https://forum.aemodular.com/thread/2445/first-fishing-trips-2023 First Jam - We always love to hear and see the first creations that newcomers to the AE Modular community present. This one is long and beautiful and shows that the AE can hold its own next to much more expensive gear. https://forum.aemodular.com/thread/2471/first-recorded-ae-modular-jam First track in 2 years - @pol has done a few collaborations last year, but apparently not finished a single track all by himself. This is the first one in two years and it’s very cool and surprising. Check it out: https://forum.aemodular.com/thread/2464/first-completed-track-ae-years Huir Lab Exploration - this track features the AE modular in combination with a Behringer 2600 and it sounds really good. Check it out: https://forum.aemodular.com/thread/2449/new-patch-experimentation 41.619, 1.78538 - these could be coordinates to a cool synth studio or to a secret space station. We’ll never know, but it sounds great! https://forum.aemodular.com/thread/2425/41-619-1-78538 Space - and another spacey contribution by @mathias, check it out: https://forum.aemodular.com/thread/2444/space It Blends! - this little soundbite was made by @duddex with the VCDO blender firmware on the Core.A synth made by Wonkystuff. Check out how tiny this system is! https://forum.aemodular.com/thread/2444/space #jamuary Jam - a beautiful jam by @moruial using the AE modular together with the biggest mixer we’ve ever seen! Check it out: https://forum.aemodular.com/post/20700/thread Ghost flight over the Hebrides - This is another track by the collaboration duo Beaucarnea by @pol and @maydonpoliris and it features the new uBitcrusher and uProbagate modules as well as the Moog filter plugin on the TBD controlled via the cool Android app which we showed above. Check it out: https://forum.aemodular.com/thread/2457/ghost-flight-over-hebrides-beaucarnea Folding SpAcE - another space inspired track by relatively new user @Mafic_Pulse which features the AE Modular in combination with the new Roland SP-404 MkII. Check it out: https://forum.aemodular.com/thread/2432/folding-space Album Releases
DIYProject GRAINSILO - This is a project which allows one or more GRAINS to be controlled directly via USB MIDI from a Raspberry Pi using Supercollider. If you don’t mind the coding then you should definitely check it out: https://forum.aemodular.com/post/20891/thread USB MIDI for the GRAINS - This is the code used in the above project to control multiple GRAINS using MIDI. If you ever wanted to do this, then check it out: https://forum.aemodular.com/thread/1900/midi-control-grains-using-library Another beautiful wooden case - presented by @apiel in this thread: https://forum.aemodular.com/thread/2472/another-wood-case Futuristic AE Modular System - this monster rack is a symphony in black and purple neon and the creation of @betaboon. Now we just need to hear some sounds coming out of this beauty ;-) https://forum.aemodular.com/post/20856/thread |
AuthorRobert Langer, founder of tangible waves. Here, I will share some thoughts, background infos and news about AE modular and tangible waves. Archives
January 2025
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