Wow this blog is super late! The last 3 months have been a non stop rush. First preparation for Superbooth, then the rollercoaster that is Superbooth, then I was sick with COVID (again) and then a relentless stream of orders and work on the SAMPLYR module. So my apologies for the late updates. Superbooth was amazing as always. It is really a great experience not only to meet our trusted and new potential customers, but also the other exhibitors. Over the years we have become a sort of extended family, and Superbooth our grand gathering in the middle of the year. Here are a few impressions: We also had a visit from Luke from Sonicstate again. Have a look: |
AEuroPi by Fauxcyrillic This is another programmable module which is similar to the Ornament & Crime (which is unfortunately no longer available due to chip apocalypse). It is a CV control module which can be programmed in Micropython. It has the following features:
You can get up to date information about this and other projects by Fauxcyrillic on the forum: |
555 Oscillator by Keurslager Kurt This is a fully analog oscillator with superb tracking and sound. It has the following features:
You can purchase it from Tindie: |
Wonkystuff news
John has been hard at work to create a new series of modules which will revolutionise the way we use MIDI in our AE Modular systems. So far this series consists of the following modules:
mb/1 - This is the base module in full size 1U. It has a 3.5mm MIDI input jack and 20 patch outputs: one for each of 16 MIDI channels, plus reset, clock, start and a MIDI through. The revolutionary thing about this is that each of the 16 channels transmit the fill MIDI serial protocol via the patch cable! This introduces a third signal path to our modular systems: Audio, Control Voltage and now MIDI!
mco/1 - This is a micro sized fully featured oscillator which has a MIDI patch input and audio, trigger and gate outputs. Although it has a convenient hardware tuning knob, all other parameters are accessible only via MIDI control messages (CC).
mcc/4 - This translates various MIDI CC messages into control voltage for use within the AE rack. Out of the box the following messages are supported, however other CC commands can be configured:
- a: Pitch bend
- b: Modulation (CC 1)
- c: Breath control (CC 2)
- d: CC 3
m/tr8 - This is a micro module which translates MIDI key presses into trigger signals which can be used to trigger drums or envelopes in your AE rack. Out of the box it registers middle C as the first trigger and the following seven notes/keys for subsequent triggers.
All of these modules are currently in development. Check out the forum for any updates! However here is a sneak peak from Superbooth:
New shop front for EU customers - Due to the UK's Brexit it has become a bit difficult to ship anything to the EU, which has prompted Wonkystuff to open a second storefront for EU customers only. This manages postage and any customs charges a bit more conveniently:
Music from the Community
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Album Marmor by Jerngevir (aka @gaetan)
This a very nice atmospheric work made 100% in the AE rack. The two songs use the same patch in different ways.
Album Sequences by Black Warrior Lures aka @funbun One track on this album answers the question we have all been asking ourselves when lying awake in the dead of night, “can the AE play Shakespear?” Go and listen to Twelfth Night’s Storm and you will agree, that yes, AE is definitely up for Bill’s finest! The other tracks are also very good and make much use of the new Rains and Cirrus modules. |
Album TAKES, TOKES & TOKENS by Deofol aka @pt3r From the master of drones comes a superbly rhythmic and melodic album which explores new modules straight out the rack. |
Making the most out of a tiny system
Matt Wand aka @rockysmalls showed it first in this jam at Superbooth where he created huge soundscapes with only the AE Rains and AE Cirrus modules with some micro helpers in a tiny VCASE7 rack.
This prompted The 5th Volt aka @admin to make a more “classic” MicroStAEtion which features a dual oscillator, very grungy filter and 8 step sequencer also in the VCASE7. It’s great for jamming as you can see in this video:
AE Modular Live Set in Brooklyn, NY by @rami - Playing live with a modular can be a daunting task, as we discussed many times in our Zoom meetups. Rami shows how it’s done in this 50 minutes long performance. And the audience is loving it!
Live in Australia by @maydonpoliris - This is another daring modular live gig at a wintry outdoor modular meetup near Sydney. Get into it and let the groove put you in a trance!
So much more!
As always, this blog can only list a small sample of the music that’s uploaded to the Forum and Discord. The last 3 months have been full of new music created by our fantastic community. Please check it out either on Discord or on the Forum:
Events and Meetup
Next meetup is on the 26th of August (27th for the Australians). Please check the forum for more information.
Robert Langer, founder of tangible waves. Here, I will share some thoughts, background infos and news about AE modular and tangible waves.
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