The OR2x4 module combines 2x4 inputs by logical OR rule; the input signals are usually trigger/gate signals and are treated as digital signals.
This can be used
- either for "mixing" gate/trigger signals from different sources
- or for audio signals. too.
There are two independent units with four inputs each. With a switch all eight inputs can be linked to an 8-input OR.
With the GATE inputs the signal can be controlled further; if GATE gets a "low" signal then the output is low also. By this, the output can be synced to a common clock signal and even if one of the inputs remains high the output changes. If the GATE input remains open, the module operates as a regular OR gate.
More detailed information can be found on the Wiki documentation page.
(Price without VAT; for buyers inside the EU 19% VAT will be added to the shown price = 33,32€)