- AE Modular: Modules
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- Trigger Generation / Manipulation
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The uWNDCOMP is a bit special but control module for a variety of purposes; it works as following:
- The input is a CV or audio signal
- With the two knobs WINDOWS SIZE and OFFSET, a certain CV range is defined (the "window", hence the name WiNDowCOMParator)
- The input signal is continually compared with this range and tree gate outputs indicate if the signal is below, within or above this range.
The behaviour of the uWNDCOMP can be used for a lot of creative purposes, like triggering something at a certain level of a CV signal from envelope, LFO or whatever, self-modfying sequences, mangling audio signals by mixing the input signal and the outputs, controlling FX chains dynamically together with a switch module like the 3VCSWITCH etc. You can think of it as a kind of analog controlled logic module.
Please note: These micro module needs a carrier, like the uBASE module. The cannot be mounted directly into an AE case.
You can find more information about this module on the AE Modular Wiki.
(Price without VAT; for buyers inside the EU 19% VAT will be added to the shown price = 39,27€)