- AE Modular: Modules
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The CVSHIFTER module is the AE version of the well-known analogue shift register modules that are around in the modular world since a long time. It works like this: The CV input is sampled with each trigger input signal and this CV is sent to the CV 1 output; at the same time, all CV outputs 1-4 are shifted by one.
Compared to the "classic" circuits, this module is digital based and therefore doesn't suffer from drift as some analogue ASRs and S&Hs do. The result is, that you can e.g. control the pitch of up to four oscillators which is a first step into polyphony.
The CVSHIFTER module offers three modes:
- Classic: Each trigger shifts the CV outs by one position, the new CV goes to output CV 1
- Cycle: Each trigger sends the CV to the next output channel, restarting at out 1; additionally a gate signal at the according output.
- Random: The CVs are sent in random order to one of the four outputs, plus a gate at the according output.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to a last-minute issue with the availability of a certain component, this module will be shipped estimated in first half of january.
You can find more information about this module on the AE Modular Wiki.
(Price without VAT; for buyers inside the EU 19% VAT will be added to the shown price = 48,79€)